Master Powered Paragliding 1: Advanced Ground Handling


Master Powered Paragliding #1 is the first in a series of four tuition DVDs aimed at pilots of paramotor and paraglider wings.


DVD #1 kicks the series off by focusing on that common bugbear: ground handling. With a cast of colourful and talented pilots, the excellently narrated DVD breaks down handling your wing on the ground into 15 chapters that take you from inflation, through controlling a paraglider wing through to killing it safely.

Master Powered Paragliding #1 is a whooping 101 minutes of audio visual information that leaves your head literally buzzing with all the tricks and tips youโ€™ve picked up and desperate to get out there and practice them.

As you would expect from Jeff Goin, the author of the best selling Powered Paragliding Bible, Master Powered Paragliding #1 is a powerful learning tool for paraglider pilots, either powered or unpowered.


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